Category: Games



    Release year: 2025
    Platform: PC (Steam)
    Input: Keyboard/Mouse
    Players: 1-4
    Developer: Game Swing
    Publisher: Ghost Ship Publishing
    price: TBA – PC (Steam)

    GUNTOUCHABLES is a co-op roguelike doomsday shooter where where you play as a group of preppers in the disaster of their dreams.

    The entire world has fallen and the surface has been overrun by a hostile and aggressively-evolving horde of mutants. Well, not entirely. A motley group of persevering preppers are seizing their moment of glory and holding out against the abominable threat lurking right outside the perimeter of their makeshift establishment.

    From the start of this project we decided to go with an art style that would look unpolished, impressionistic and more spontaneous.

    This would allow us to create content faster and embrace things not looking perfect in all situations. Characters with thin limbs with no clear orientation, and simple, abstract environments. These choices reinforce the game’s primary focus: gameplay.

    How to play
    Join the discord channel and follow the development to get invited to our next beta test.

  • OddBallers


    Title: OddBallers
    Release year: 2023
    Platform: PC, Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5 & Xbox
    Input: Controller / Keyboard
    Players: 6
    Developer Team: Game Swing
    Publisher: Ubisoft
    Price: 20€ – PC (Steam), Nintendo Switch, Playstation & Xbox

    OddBallers is the spiritual successor to Stikbold! our first major title. The motivation for making OddBallers was to bring the fun local-multiplayer aspect of Stikbold! online, together with even more crazy hazards levels and mechanics.

    The game was published by Ubisoft which meant we were collaborating with their internal teams throughout the latter half of the production of the game. It was quite the challenge for a small company like Game Swing to fulfil the demands of a publisher of this size. They wanted the game to be launched simultaneously on all platforms so we scaled up the team quite a lot in this period and managed to release on schedule. I’m incredibly impressed and thankful for the team we got together in this period who made it all happen.

    I am particularly proud of the technological understanding I developed during this project. The optimizations and workflow insights have become core principles in subsequent games.

    I wish we could’ve kept developing on the game after the launch, we often talked about how we wanted more world building with all the wacky characters we could create, and have more game modes than just the “tournament mode”.

    How to play
    Buy and download the game from any of the store pages listed up top. It’s also been released a bunch more places that I’m unaware of.

  • SpotRacers


    Title: SpotRacers
    Release year: 2021
    Platform: Mobile
    Input: Touch
    Players: 1
    Team: LevelUp Garage & Game Swing
    price: 0 – Android & iOS

    SpotRacers is a mobile racing game where you have to find cars in the real world and take pictures of them to race them in the game. The racing part is controlled by an intuitive and innovative one button input where you race against your friends for upgrades and accolades.

    Awards & Recognition
    Spilprisen 2021 Winner: Most Emergent Game

    How to play
    Download the app on Android Play Store or Apple App Store, put on your shoes and go find some fast cars.

  • Stikbold!


    Title: Stikbold!
    Release year: 2015-2016
    Platform: Consoles + PC
    Input: Controllers
    Players: 1-4 (6 on Nintendo Switch)
    Team: Game Swing
    Price: 15$

    Stikbold! is a light-hearted and fun take on the classic game of dodgeball, mixed with the distinct and classic groove of the 1970’s. Duke it out in several arenas in a glorious local multiplayer showdown or join Björn & Jerome, two friends set on unravelling the mystical disappearance of rival love interest, the night before the big game.

    Awards & Recognition
    Pax10 selection 2014
    Nordic Indie Sensation Nominee 2013 – Nordic Game 2013
    Most Fun Game – Nordic Game Jam 2013
    3rd Best Game – Nordic Game Jam 2013
    Casual Connect Indie Showcase Selection – Casual Connect
    Best Game Created Using the Unity Engine – OUYA Create

    Selected Articles
    TechnoBuffalo – Stikbold Now on Greenlight with New Trailer, Plans for PAX 10 Announced
    Rock, Paper, Shotgun – Stikbold & The Beautiful: ’70s-Styled Dodgeball With Whales’ – Av! Du ramte mig midt i ansigtet
    IGN Denmark – Danske ‘Stikbold’ blandt vinderne i OUYA Create

    Play on Nintendo Switch, Playstation, Xbox & PC

  • The floor is cats

    The floor is cats

    Title: The floor is cats
    Release year: Never released
    Platform: android
    Input: touch
    Players: 1
    Team: Jonathan “Joon” van Hove + Lars Bindslev
    Price: 0

    Collect clocks and avoid stepping on cats to avoid waking them up. Admittedly we did not spend much time on the theme of the game, but rather wanted to explore alternative movement controls.
    This game was developed as part of the Global Game Jam 2015 at the ITU Copenhagen jam site. We wanted to create something really small and simple and spend more time on polish, but we had to include a couple more weekends to get it to where it is now.

    How to play
    The player walks by putting their finger on the screen and rotating the phone (and the world), but remember to always have one foot on the ground to avoid falling, like real life.

    The game “The floor is cats” remained unreleased, but Joon continued the development and created the game Don’t Trip for iOS and Android game that can be played here: Don’t Trip

    Other Media











  • VR Bike

    VR Bike

    Title: VR Bike
    Release year: 2015
    Platform: PC/Installation
    Input: Bike
    Players: 1
    team: Lars Bindslev
    price: 0 – Play here

    The VR Bike was created as part of the Shayla VR Jam where it got 2nd place. The purpose of the intallation is to give the player a greater sense of pressence in the VR-game world by having the player do the same motions outside of the game, as their avatar performs in the game.

    Awards & Recognition
    2nd place Shayla VR Jam
    Selected for showcase at Creative Coast Festival
    Selected for showcase at Trailerpark Festival
    Spilprisen 2017 finalist: Best Showcase
    Spilprisen 2017 finalist: Best Technical Achievement

    Selected Articles
    Blickarna riktades mot det virtuella
    Creative Coast Festivalen som hyllar digitala kreatorer

    How to play
    Get on the bike, put on the Oculus Rift, bike away!

    Other Media
    Photo by Dennis Morton –

    Photo by Rasmus Himmelstrup

    Photo by Rasmus Himmelstrup

    Photo by Rasmus Himmelstrup

    Photo by Rasmus Himmelstrup

    Photo by Sebastian Bularca –

    Photo by Sebastian Bularca –



  • Bonkell


    Title: Bonkell
    Release year: 2014
    Platform: Installation
    Input: Arcade buttons
    Players: 2-12
    Team: Reign Bros + Glitchnap

    Bonkell is a minimalist, rhythmic video installation for up to 12 people, which is about precision and cooperation. The game consists of a series of mini-courses, each carried out by pressing an increasingly complex sequence through 12 arcade buttons built into the room’s 2 tables.
    Bonkell was created for the Roskilde Festival 2014 Art Zone.

    How to play
    Press the colored arcade buttons in the sequence shown on the screen, have people help you reach all the buttons.

  • Richard Anderson’s Putting Challenge

    Richard Anderson’s Putting Challenge

    Title: Richard Andersons Putting Challenge
    Release year: 2014
    Platform: android
    Input: touch
    Players: 1
    Team: Simon Engelsted + Carsten Hejlskov + Lars Bindslev
    – with special thanks to Lasse Honnens!
    Price: 0

    Richard Anderson’s Putting Challenge present the most common problems on the minigolf court and allows you to handle them the way they are supposed to be handled… By force!
    This quirky mini-golf brawler was created in 48 hours at the Nordic Game Jam 2014 by Carsten Hejlskov, Simon Vestergaard & Lars Bindslev. It went on to win the jam by public vote.

    Awards & Recognition
    1st place Nordic Game Jam 2014
    Best Genre Mashup Nordic Game Jam 2014

    Selected Articles
    #NGJ14 is over! Long live #NGJ14!
    Minigolf-brawler vinder Nordic Game Jam
    Nordic Game Jam 2014 was the biggest game jam in the world
    Nordic Game Jam 2014 is a WRAP!
    Returning to Nordic Game Jam

    How to play
    Tilt your tablet to move.
    When close to the ball, swipe it in the direction you wish to shoot it.

    Download link will be up soon

    Other Media

  • Space plumbers

    Space plumbers

    Title: Space Plumbers
    Release year: 2013
    Platform: PC/Arcade
    Input: xbox360 controllers
    Players: 2-4
    Team: Simon Engelsted + Jonathan “Joon” Van Hove + Lars Bindslev
    Music by: lighght
    Sfx by: Lasse Honnens de Lichtenberg & Jonatan Van Hove
    price: 0 – Play here

    All plumbers have mysteriously disappeared from your spaceship. It’s your task to hire 10 new spaceplumbers, before any of the other players or teams does. Build a ship by connecting pipes, guns and engines, and search for astronaut-plumbers. Shoot other ships, defend yourself and experiment with building the best ship possible.

    How to play
    View the controls + tutorial here.

    Play here

  • Foosball


    Title: Foosball
    Release year: 2013
    Platform: PC Windows
    Input: Xbox360 controllers
    Players: 4
    Team: Lars Bindslev
    SoundFX: by users korgchops, cubix, starpause
    Music: by user Questiion
    Price: 0 – Play here

    Foosball is a retro looking local multiplayer game for 4 players.
    It has very sensitive and realistic controls, which is why you can only play it with 4 xbox360 controllers.
    The game was originally made for the Chainjam[], but never made it into the rotation because the controls wouldn’t work with keyboard which was an requirement.

    How to play
    You will have a bad time playing this if you are not 4 players with 4 xbox360 controllers.
    Use only the sticks, L-stick controls your left bar of foosball players, R-stick controls your right.
    Push the stick up to move the foosball players up and so on…


  • DM i Radiobiler

    DM i Radiobiler

    Title: DM i Radiobiler
    Release year: 2011
    Platform: Installation
    Input: Bumper cars + Nintendo Wiimotes
    Players: 6-48
    Team: Maria Louise Olesen, Kath Pickering, Rasmus Nielsen, Anias Hansen, Lars Bindslev
    Price: 0

    DM i Radiobiler (The danish bumper cars championship) was an event held in the now demolished Damhus Tivoli. DM i Radiobiler was created as our B.Sc. in Digital Performance at Roskilde University.
    The game is simple, be the best at bumper cars by racking up points for crashing into other participants. Whoever gets the most point each heat will move on to the next round.
    Damhus Tivoli was kind enough to lend us their bumper cars for an entire day, we strapped them with Nintendo Wiimotes to measure the collisions and give points thereafter.

    How to play

    Other Media
    All photos by Theis Kofoed Hjorth – flickr







