Tag Archives: Singleplayer


Title: CityArt
Release year: 2015
Platform: PC/Installation
Input: Tobii eye tracker
Players: 1
team: Lars Bindslev
price: 0 – Play here

Interactive installation using Eye tracking. The player observes the city, and whatever object they focus on they will follow through their daily routine.
By looking at cars the player can move to other parts of the city, and by looking away from the cars they will “get off” the ride.

How to play
Look at things…

The floor is cats

Title: The floor is cats
Release year: Never released
Platform: android
Input: touch
Players: 1
Team: Jonathan “Joon” van Hove + Lars Bindslev
Price: 0

Collect clocks and avoid stepping on cats to avoid waking them up. Admittedly we did not spend much time on the theme of the game, but rather wanted to explore alternative movement controls.
This game was developed as part of the Global Game Jam 2015 at the ITU Copenhagen jam site. We wanted to create something really small and simple and spend more time on polish, but we had to include a couple more weekends to get it to where it is now.

How to play
The player walks by putting their finger on the screen and rotating the phone (and the world), but remember to always have one foot on the ground to avoid falling, like real life.

The game “The floor is cats” remained unreleased, but Joon continued the development and created the game Don’t Trip for iOS and Android game that can be played here: Don’t Trip

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Richard Anderson’s Putting Challenge

Title: Richard Andersons Putting Challenge
Release year: 2014
Platform: android
Input: touch
Players: 1
Team: Simon Engelsted + Carsten Hejlskov + Lars Bindslev
– with special thanks to Lasse Honnens!
Price: 0

Richard Anderson’s Putting Challenge present the most common problems on the minigolf court and allows you to handle them the way they are supposed to be handled… By force!
This quirky mini-golf brawler was created in 48 hours at the Nordic Game Jam 2014 by Carsten Hejlskov, Simon Vestergaard & Lars Bindslev. It went on to win the jam by public vote.

Awards & Recognition
1st place Nordic Game Jam 2014
Best Genre Mashup Nordic Game Jam 2014

Selected Articles
#NGJ14 is over! Long live #NGJ14!
Minigolf-brawler vinder Nordic Game Jam
Nordic Game Jam 2014 was the biggest game jam in the world
Nordic Game Jam 2014 is a WRAP!
Returning to Nordic Game Jam

How to play
Tilt your tablet to move.
When close to the ball, swipe it in the direction you wish to shoot it.

Download link will be up soon

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